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Profile photo of Janaina Nolasco Gama

Janaina Nolasco Gama

Anti-Racism and DEI Facilitator

Nationality: Brazilian
Based in: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Janaina Gama is a consultant, speaker, and teacher specializing in unconscious biases and diversity topics.
She holds degrees in Literature (Bachelor’s and Teaching) and Law (Bachelor’s and Advocacy). She completed a Master’s in Public Policies in Human Rights (NEPP-UFRJ) and a specialization in Human Rights, Gender, and Sexuality at Fiocruz.
She is a co-author of the books “Jornada de Inclusão” (Brasport Publisher) and “Diversidade e inclusão: casos práticos” (Todas as Musas Publisher).
She is also a co-author of Aya Game, a virtual game for anti-racist education in institutions and society.
She serves as the co-head of the Brazilian delegation for W20, the women’s engagement group of the G20.