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Our Approach


We create safe and inclusive spaces for brave conversations. We take a “power with” approach to navigate the power dynamics in the room and engage the mind, body, and soul, ensuring that everyone’s voice can be heard and the different accessibility requirements of the participants are taken into account.


Our participatory approach includes well-being activities, meaningful exercises fostering genuine connections, and storytelling techniques, because understanding others’ experiences is crucial for behavioral change. We steer teams to collaboratively progress towards a goal, reaching concrete outcomes and action plans.


We have conducted facilitation interventions all around the world, working in sensitive and high-profile environments across many cultures and sectors, from France to Afghanistan. Our diverse team and decolonial approach allow us to work with a variety of clients in a respectful and transformative way.

Our Experience

Signed a Long-Term Agreement with UNAIDS on workshops facilitation, training and coaching.

Facilitated ActionAid Ukraine Emergency response team retreat in Ukraine.

Facilitated Afghanistan country team retreat in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Facilitated WHO Environmental Health Team Retreat in Bonn and WHO Europe Human Resources Retreat in Copenhagen.

Designed and facilitated 50+ team workshops in France, Spain, and Germany with a focus on team vision, strategy, internal communication, collaboration, teambuilding, and conflict resolution for Airbus Leadership University.

Facilitated Changemaker Exchange Ethiopia (gender justice activists of East Africa) and Changemaker Exchange Ghana (young social entrepreneurs of West Africa).

Contact us if you want to know more!

What clients are saying about us