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Headshot of Greta Rossi

Greta Rossi

Mental Health and Wellbeing Facilitator

Nationality: Italian
Based in: Palazzuolo Sul Senio, Italy

Greta Rossi (she/her) is a changemaker involved in multiple not-for-profit initiatives. She is the co-founder of Recipes for Wellbeing (Switzerland) and ChangemakerXchange (Germany) and the lead facilitator for the WISE Emerging Leaders Program (Qatar). Greta holds a BA (Hons) in International Relations and is a qualified coach and facilitator. She is a fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), a fellow of the BMW Responsible Leaders Network, and among the Top 100 Women Leaders in Social Enterprise 2013 by Euclid Network. She has hosted workshops, events, and summits in over 25 countries collaborating with organisations such as Ashoka, Climate-KIC, and Google.