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Headshot of Servane Mouazan

Servane Mouazan

LGBTQIA+ and Inclusive Leadership Coach

Nationality: British-French
Based in: London, UK

For over twenty years, Servane has provided Conscious Innovation support to 10000+ leaders in the global social and environmental impact ecosystem – startups, NGOs, impact investing, national governments- to think independently, navigate transitions, collaborate with joy, and amplify their impact on the world.

Previously CEO and leader of one of the first B corps in the UK, she is a professional Certified Coach (ICF PCC), specialised in Executive Neuroleadership, Conflict Management, and the Thinking Environment. A Time to Think teacher and facilitator, Futures-Thinking Practitioner and Systems-Change facilitator, a certified Agile DSDM programme manager and a Mental Health First Aider.

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